
Cabbage stew from sauerkraut – recipe with photo.

To prepare this for lunch? Few of the housewives do not ask themselves this question at least 5 or even 7 times a week.

So today I, worried about the nutrition of my own family, approached the refrigerator with trepidation in the hope of getting an answer to this question. The inside of the refrigerator offered me a pot full of lovely broth, an almost full can of not-so-good sauerkraut (oversalted) and a small piece of meat (too bland to use as a stand-alone dish).

And you know, I wasn’t upset, because we’re cooking cabbage today.

– broth (about 3 liters);
– 0,5 cups of millet;
— 5-6 medium potatoes;
– 1 large carrot;
— onion;
— 400 g of sauerkraut (although I determined by eye);
— meat or chicken (about half a kilogram is ideal, and you can also cook the broth on it, but I already had a small, 150-gram, boiled piece);
— 1 teaspoon of sugar;
— 0,5 cups of tomato juice (or 1 tablespoon of tomato paste);
– salt to taste.

How to cook cabbage.

First of all, you need broth, so if there is none, boil it. If there is, we peel the potatoes and send them whole to cook in the broth. In the meantime, wash the millet well and let it dry, so in the next step we will fry it in a dry pan. We pour it directly, and, stirring constantly, bring it to a brown state (this is 5-7 minutes on medium heat).

The potatoes are cooked, we take them out of the future soup.

We will send millet there instead.

Let it cook for about 20 minutes. And we will make a roast at this time. Everything is standard here. Tremo carrots.

Fry everything together in vegetable oil (you can use butter, moreover, if you don’t need to watch your figure, it will be even tastier on butter).

Add tomato juice (or paste).

We stew everything together. If you have pasta, add a little water, if you have juice, no water is needed. Mash the potatoes.

Let’s cut the meat. And we will send them to the soup one by one.

We put the frying pan there.

We try it for salt. 20 minutes under the lid on low heat and your cabbage is ready.

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