Festive pita bread roll with crab sticks – a recipe with a photo
Today we will prepare a very tasty crab roll in pita bread. I hope you appreciate this recipe and it will take its rightful place in our cookbook.
Such a roll is prepared very simply. Products for such a dish are available and not very expensive. Your guests will definitely like this version of crab salad.
pita bread – 3 units;
crab sticks – 250 g;
hard cheese – 200 g;
tomatoes – 300-400 g;
dill – 5-6 sprigs;
mayonnaise – 100 g;
sÑ–l for relish.
The process of making a roll for the festive table.
Grate the cheese on a medium grater.
Chop the dill greens.
Finely chop the crab sticks.
Blanch the tomatoes, peel them, finely chop them and let the juice drain.
Spread the pita bread with mayonnaise, spread the grated cheese and dill in an even layer.
Place the second pita on top and also smear with mayonnaise. Lay out the crab sticks.
Spread the third pita bread, smear it with mayonnaise, spread the tomatoes and add salt to taste.
Carefully turn all this with a roll, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.