
Homemade energy bars – recipe with photo.

Many products sold in stores are not natural, and therefore there is no benefit from them. This also applies to store-bought energy bars, which, along with proteins and fats, contain flavors, thickeners, and preservatives.

In this case, you can always prepare homemade energy bars. Such a product can be given to children, as it affects their memory and brain activity, and parents themselves will not mind eating such a bar at lunch. Therefore, just prepare energy bars, and a few pieces will be enough to recharge with vitamins for the whole day!

200 g of prunes;
100 g of roasted peanuts;
Xnumx g dried apricots;
50 g of flax seeds;
50 g of sesame;
100 g of walnuts;
100 g of dried cranberries;
50 g of cleaned and roasted sunflower seeds.

We are preparing energy bars.

Take cranberries, dried apricots, prunes and leave everything for 10 minutes. in cold water.

Then drain the water and rinse the dried fruits. Next, send everything to a blender (or run it through a meat grinder). Stir.

Transfer the mass to a large bowl, add walnuts and peanuts there. Mix with your hands, cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Then divide the mass into 6 parts. Prepare the seeds, sesame and flax seeds. Pour everything into different deep plates. Next, sprinkle 2 balls with sesame seeds, the other 2 with flax seeds, and another 2 with seeds.

And wrap the balls with parchment to make a bar.

Wrap the bars from the sides – a candy should come out.

Put the dessert in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

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