
How to cook pilaf with meat. Culinary recipe.

Today we are preparing pilaf. Classic proportions โ€” 1 kg of meat, 1 kg of rice, 1 kg of carrots.

Cut the carrots into long strips. The cross-section is approximately 4 by 4 mm.

Prepare the rice, wash it in warm water. Pour it with warm water for about one to one and a half hours.

Cut a couple of onions into half rings.

We take our meat (in this case it is lamb, but you can take any meat you like). If you decide to wash the meat, then after everything you need to wipe it so that it is not wet before frying. Cut the mutton into medium-sized pieces, and set aside the pieces with bones.

We put the cauldron on the highest fire.

Pour 300-350 ml of sunflower oil. If the meat is fatty, then pour less oil.

We throw our meat into a well-heated cauldron.

Fry it and periodically turning it over for 15-20 minutes, when it does not become really fried.

Add our onion. Also stirring periodically.

The onion takes on a bronze color, now it’s time to add our carrots. After about 4 minutes, carefully stir the contents in the cauldron.

When another 10 minutes pass, our carrots become soft, we add ziri (seasoning).

Then we add boiling water, about 1,5 cm above our content. Now all this will be stewed on a small fire. Place two heads of garlic and one pod of red pepper on top (must be whole, not cut).

Boiling should be intense. After 20 minutes, add salt.

In the photo you can see the resulting cauldron. So, he is already asking to add rice to it.

Drain the water from the rice and put it in a cauldron (in this recipe we use steamed long-grain rice, believe me, it will give a great result).

Turn the heat to maximum and pour boiling water 1 cm above the rice level. Add salt.

When the water has completely drained from the surface of the rice, check the rice for readiness (it should not crunch on your teeth and be semi-hard or semi-soft).

If the rice is already ready, but the amount of water is still too much, then make special holes (as in the photo).

And if you still need to cook it, then add another 50 grams of boiling water and wait another 5 minutes.

We add more stars on top, cover with a lid and keep it on low heat for 20-25 minutes.

We got a simple but very tasty pilaf.

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