
Royal meat » Culinary recipes of dishes with photos. home cuisine

Lean pork (boneless) — 1 kg.
Onions — 4-5 medium-sized heads.
Tomatoes – 4-5 pieces of medium size.
Vegetable oil – to taste.
Mayonnaise – 250 grams.
Hard cheese — 400 grams.
Salt to taste.
Pepper – to taste.

Method of cooking:
We cut the piece of meat we have into oblong pieces about 1 centimeter thick. And now we carefully repel it from both sides. Only great efforts are not needed. Leaky chops are undesirable. Now salt and pepper each piece. In principle, you can use other spices. It will probably be no less tasty. But in the traditional recipe – only salt and pepper. Put the meat on a baking sheet with vegetable oil in one layer. It is not bad if it stands like this for twenty minutes, it is additionally marinated. But you can do without it.

Cut the onion into rings and place on top of the meat. Onions are suitable for any variety and color. Some cooks suggest pre-boiling until half done, but whether it is worth doing is up to you. Spread the sliced ​​tomatoes on top of the onion. It is desirable to have a small tomato for each chop. Oh, and cheese on top. Cheese must be grated on a grater, no matter whether it is large or small. After all, in the end, the cheese will melt! And from the very top, we will smear our dish with mayonnaise. By the way, you can do it in a different way, greasing each layer as it is stacked. But it is still not worth putting too much. It may turn out that the finished meat will then float in fat melted from mayonnaise. And you can also not grease, but apply a mesh made of mayonnaise. It’s even more interesting.

The oven should be hot, 200 degrees. How long will it bake? It is customary to say “until ready”, until “beautiful crust”, “delicious smell”. But all these definitions are subjective. Let’s say about forty minutes. And then see for yourself. All ovens have different characteristics.

They got it, and a chop on each plate. If you want, add a side dish. And that’s all!

– According to some cooks, mushrooms will be unnecessary in this recipe. Then put them together with the tomatoes. Only if the mushrooms are fresh, cut them in advance and salt them. Let them lie down for a while and give juice.

— Different types of meat are used royally for cooking meat in different areas. There are recipes with chicken and beef. But the cooking method is always the same.

– What cheese to use? We can recommend “Gouda” or “Dutch”. The main thing is that it melts well. But it is not worth taking ready-made melted.

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